Attorney at Law | Partner
Tenancy law | Expropriation law
Coen has been an attorney with La Gro since 1992. He is a partner in the Real Estate, Tenancy and Expropriation Law Team, and part of our ESG Team. Thanks to his many years of experience with La Gro and a large local authority, he is an experienced and trusted advisor and attorney. He specialises in assisting entrepreneurs, public governing bodies and organisations, such as investors and developers in the area of real estate, and takes a proactive, collaborative approach to produce optimal solutions. He is also a member of the Dutch Expropriation Attorneys’ Association and Secretary of the Haaglanden Business Park Foundation, i.e. the umbrella organisation of business park interest groups in the Haaglanden region, focusing on energy transition and sustainability.
Attorney at Law | Partner
Tenancy law | Expropriation law