About Arnout

Arnout specialises in competition law and boasts vast experience of national and European competition law across all market sectors. In close cooperation with Pieter van den Oord, Arnout leads La Gro’s Competition Law Team. His advisory and litigation practice focuses on state aid, cartels, positions of dominance and merger notifications to the European Commission, the Dutch Consumer and Market Authority and the Dutch Care Authority. He also specialises in Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) regulations.

Furthermore, Arnout has a great deal of expertise in complex mass actions (WAMCA) and civil proceeding enforcement, both within and beyond competition law. He will be developing this expertise further within La Gro .


  • Competition law
  • Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) regulations
  • Mass actions (WAMCA)

Qualifications and experience

  • 2020, Grotius Academy, qualification in Competition Law (cum laude)
  • 2011, European Law (cum laude)
  • Member of the Dutch Association for Competition Law (“VvM”)
  • Member of the International Association of Young Lawyers (“AIJA”).


  • 2024: ‘Heureka-arrest: meer duidelijkheid over de verjaring van kartelschadevorderingen onder het oude recht’ (Heureka ruling: more clarity about the limitation period for cartel damages claims under former law), in: Edition 4 2024, Market & Competition
  • 2023: ‘De Sumal-criteria toegepast bij bevoegdheidsvragen’ (Sumal criteria applied to jurisdiction questions), in: Edition 6 2023, Market & Competition
  • 2022: ‘Leidraad Duurzaamheidsafspraken: een stap in de goede richting?’ (Guide to sustainability agreements: a step in the right direction?), in: Edition 1-2 2022, Dutch Magazine for European Law.
Contact details
Mr. A. A. (Arnout) Koeman

Attorney at law 

Competition Law

Call: +31 172 530 250