Public Sector
The public sector in the Netherlands is complex, rapidly changing and characterised by its complex legal landscape. Public entities, semi-public entities, businesses and non-profit organisations have a wide range of duties and responsibilities.
Our firm acts as in-house attorneys at law for more than 22 local authorities, and within our firm, more than 30 specialist attorneys at law act for local authorities on a very regular basis. Among these specialist attorneys at law, some have political or administrative experience (as councillors) that can be called upon in politically or administratively sensitive matters. We can build on years of experience in assisting local authorities and have experience providing services to provinces, independent government agencies, water boards and municipalities. Our attorneys at law are able to think outside the box, offer practical solutions, and provide assistance in legal proceedings where necessary.
It goes without saying that any attorneys at law who work within the public sector can also carry out work for businesses and non-profit organisations.
By working in multidisciplinary teams, we can easily expand our expertise by deploying specialists from relevant specific areas, such as:
- Environmental law
- Subversion, public order
- Enforcement
- Municipal regulations, special laws
- Open Government
- Real estate law
- Procedural law and arbitration
- Procurement law / State aid
- Construction law
- Expropriation
- Land exploitation and cost recovery
- Compensation for loss
- ICT/ Digital Government
- Privacy and data protection (GDPR/AVG)
- Employment law
Knowledge sharing
Sharing our knowledge is important to us. We demonstrate this through actions such as providing a periodic newsletter for public entities, and delivering courses on a wide range of subjects through our La Gro Academy, such as an update course on environmental law or contracting as a public entity. Courses can be delivered both online and in-house. If you would like us to deliver an in-house course within your organisation and/or are interested in the courses we offer, please contact us.
Attorney at law